Title Category Hits Downloads Access ID
2019 Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Statement

2019 20 68 Public 284
2013 Consolidated Financial Statement

2013 5 54 Public 268
2018 Annual Development Charge Reserve Statement

2018 5 59 Public 280
Fees – Building (Schedules A & B of By-Law 2013-30)

Fees 50 3020 Public 235
2017 Annual Development Charge Reserve Statement

2017 4 58 Public 276
Fees – Planning (Schedule ‘C’ of By-Law 2015-1)

Fees 11 2014 Public 234
2013 Highlights

2013 4 52 Public 269
2017 Tax Rates

2017 6 179 Public 267
Township Development Charges

Fees 0 918 Public 236
2014 Highlights

2014 4 50 Public 271
2015 Highlights

2015 5 59 Public 273
2016 Highlights

2016 5 61 Public 275
2018 Cash in Lieu of Parkland Reserve Statement

2018 15 61 Public 281
2017 Consolidated Financial Statement

2017 4 61 Public 277
Annual Building Activity

Building-Planning-Development 1 68 Public 333
2019 Consolidated Financial Statements

2019 17 78 Public 285
2020 Development Charge Estimates

2020 0 70 Public 289
2020 Consolidated Financial Statements

2020 13 90 Public 1264
2010 Consolidated Financial Statement

Archived Financial Statements 29 67 Public 291
2020 Financials Highlights

2020 1 61 Public 1265