Title Category Hits Downloads Access ID
2021-11-18 Elgin and Area CEC Agenda

Elgin 0 22 Public 1453
2022-12-06 Special PAC Training Introduction to Planning

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 1 225 Public 1978
2022-11-23 PAC Minutes

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 3 126 Public 1986
2022-11-24 Rideau Lakes Public Library Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 1 22 Public 2030
2021-01-26 Delta and Area CEC Agenda

Delta 0 21 Public 1430
2022-11-28 MSC GG Minutes

Municipal Services Committee (General Governance / Finance / Protection of People & Property / Human Resources) 3 88 Public 1987
2022-12-14 PAC / CoA Agenda Package

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 13 205 Public 1996
2021-11-15 Portland and Area CEC Agenda

Portland 0 50 Public 1449
2022-12-14 PAC / CoA Video

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 0 89 Public 2002
2020-12 Investigation into the Source of Poor Water Quality on Adrain’s Creek

Water Quality Documents 6 85 Public 1130
2022-12-05 Council Minutes

Council Meetings 2 60 Public 2011
2021-02-23 Delta and Area CEC Agenda

Delta 0 22 Public 1431
2022-12-05 Ec Dev Minutes

Economic Development Committee 0 27 Public 2012
2021-01-11 MSC PW Minutes

Municipal Services Committee (Public Works / Planning / Community & Leisure Services) 0 47 Public 1091
2022-12-06 PAC Minutes

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 1 32 Public 2013
2021-03-24 Delta and Area CEC Agenda

Delta 0 22 Public 1432
2022-12-12 MSC PW Minutes

Municipal Services Committee (Public Works / Planning / Community & Leisure Services) 7 27 Public 2014
2 Official Plan Update 2020 Final Public Draft Colour

2021-02-23 Draft 4 4 54 Public 1107
2022-12-14 CoA Minutes

Planning Advisory / Committee of Adjustment 4 37 Public 2015
2021 Budget Presentation

Municipal Services Committee (General Governance / Finance / Protection of People & Property / Human Resources) 3 67 Public 1080