Title Category Hits Downloads Access ID
2020-01-23-RLPL Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 0 45 Public 998
2020-04-23-RLPL Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 0 46 Public 999
Municipal Conflict of Interest Complaint Form / Affidavit

By-laws 12 192 Public 1083
By-Law 2021-21 - Establish Affordable Housing Ad Hoc Committee

By-laws 0 50 Public 1202
Bass Lake - Draft Special Services By-law Cost Recovery

Bass Lake Class EA 12 37 Public 158
By-Law 2019-62 - Site Plan Control Enforcement & Vegetative Shoreline Buffer Policy

By-laws 14 433 Public 1246
2020-02-19 AAC Agenda Package

Accessibility Advisory Committee 0 58 Public 103
By-Law 2012-48 – Establish Cemetery Sub-Committee

By-laws 10 73 Public 1445
2020-10-15 MHAC Minutes

Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee 0 199 Public 983
2021-42 - Interim Control By-Law

By-laws 2 234 Public 1517
2020-05-28-RLPL Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 0 45 Public 1000
By-Law 2022-33 - Adopt Community Hall and Facility Rental Policy

By-laws 0 337 Public 1803
2020-10-28 Cemetery Minutes

Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee 1 194 Public 984
By-Law 2022-62 Amendments to Zoning By Law 2005 6 Arising from the Tourist Campground Land Use Study

By-laws 2 129 Public 1904
2020-06-25-RLPL Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 0 44 Public 1001
By-Law 2022-63 Amend Official Plan By Law 2003 139 Adopt Amendment Number 7 to Implement Findings of the Land Use Study

By-laws 1 97 Public 1905
Crosby Cemetery Interments

Cemeteries 2 35 Public 137
By-Law 2022-64 Amend Site Plan Control By Law 2022 49 Implement Findings of the Land Use Study

By-laws 1 72 Public 1906
2020-08-27-RLPL Board Minutes

Rideau Lakes Public Library Board 0 41 Public 1002
2020-09-16 AAC Agenda Package

Accessibility Advisory Committee 1 58 Public 537