Title Category Hits Downloads Access ID
Lombardy Enlargement

Zoning By-law 0 160 Public 2142
2020 Tax Rates

2020 34 257 Public 1008
Newboro Enlargement

Zoning By-law 0 112 Public 2143
Entrance Permit Application

Application Forms 46 1642 Public 223
Portland Enlargement

Zoning By-law 0 147 Public 2144
2019 Approved Budget - Summary by Fund, By Account Groups

2019 0 159 Public 257
Road Allowance Closure Guidelines & Application

Application Forms 29 848 Public 231
2019 Approved Budget - Summary by Fund, Detail by Object Accountt

2019 2 158 Public 258
Section 45 Guidelines and Application

Application Forms 77 1975 Public 230
2019 Approved Budget by Department

2019 0 162 Public 256
Recycling Calendar

Waste & Recycling 24 793 Public 213
Septic Permit – Class 2 and 3 Application

Application Forms 36 1112 Public 226
By-Law 2019-59 – Development Charges

By-laws 93 907 Public 249
Septic Permit – Class 4 (Septic Tank & Leaching Field) Application

Application Forms 61 2443 Public 227
Septic Permit – Class 5 (Holding Tank) Application

Application Forms 34 721 Public 228
Development Charges – Pamphlet

Development Charges 4 166 Public 248
Site Plan Control Guidelines & Application

Application Forms 84 3151 Public 232
Development Charge By Law Amendment 2022

Development Charges 36 369 Public 1854
Revised 2018 Budget – August 7, 2018

2018 2 177 Public 264
2018 Municipal Operating Budget

2018 16 170 Public 263