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Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Morton Mug
South Elmsley Coffee Connection
What's Cooking!
Bridge - Elgin
Crafternoons at Stone Manor Studios
Get W.I.T.H it! (Walk in the Halls)
Euchre - North Crosby
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Transfer Station Open
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
Newboro Coffee Morning
Line Dancing - South Elmsley
Euchre - North Crosby
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Morton Line Dancing Classes
North Crosby Coffee Drop-in
Portland Coffee Drop-in
Clogging- South Elmsley
Get W.I.T.H it! (Walk in the Halls)
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
Elgin Coffee Club
Transfer Station Open
Stitch Social
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Delta Coffee Drop-in
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Chair Yoga -Morton
Yoga - South Elmsley
2023-2026 Municipal Services Committee - Public Works / Planning / Community & Leisure Services
Euchre - Elgin
Share and Care Support Group - Morton
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Morton Mug
South Elmsley Coffee Connection
Bridge - Elgin
Crafternoons at Stone Manor Studios
Euchre - North Crosby
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Transfer Station Open
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Newboro Coffee Morning
Line Dancing - South Elmsley
Euchre - North Crosby
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Morton Line Dancing Classes
North Crosby Coffee Drop-in
Portland Coffee Drop-in
Clogging- South Elmsley
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Elgin Coffee Club
Transfer Station Open
Rideau Lakes Fibre Works - Forfar
St. Patty's Dinner
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Delta Coffee Drop-in
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
Chair Yoga -Morton
Yoga - South Elmsley
Euchre - Elgin
Share and Care Support Group - Morton
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Good Food Box
Morton Mug
Quilts of Valour (QOV) Sew Day
South Elmsley Coffee Connection
Bridge - Elgin
Crafternoons at Stone Manor Studios
Get W.I.T.H it! (Walk in the Halls)
Period Product Drive
Euchre - North Crosby
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Transfer Station Open
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
Newboro Coffee Morning
Line Dancing - South Elmsley
Euchre - North Crosby
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Morton Line Dancing Classes
North Crosby Coffee Drop-in
Portland Coffee Drop-in
Clogging- South Elmsley
Get W.I.T.H it! (Walk in the Halls)
Plastics, Metals, Glass Bottles & Jars
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
Elgin Coffee Club
Transfer Station Open
Chinese Food Dinner
Spring Dance in Morton
Paper, Cardboard & Boxboard
Delta Coffee Drop-in
Cardio Exercise with Rasa in Newboro
Seniors Exercise in Portland By CRCHC
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