Enter the Title of the Event in the Event Name box
The Category is "Local", all community events belong to this category
Start Date - the day the event will start Start Time - the time the event will start
End Date - this date is usually the SAME as the Start Date, unless the event occurs over consecutive days with the same Start and End Times
Repeat Type - does the event repeat on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis? Select either Weekly or Monthly Repeat Interval - general this is set to 1, meaning every week or month. 2 would mean every other week or month Repeat Count or Repeat Until - when does the event end - after 10 sessions (Repeat count 10) OR on a specified date (Repeat Until) By Day - this is automatically set based on the Start Date entered, if the event occurs on more than one day in a week, additional days can be added here.
Description - enter details about the event.
Select Location - chose the location of your event from the drop-down list
Contact - add a contact name, phone number or email address
Registration/Ticket URL - is used for registration or ticket URLs such as Eventbrite. Please use the full URL or a service such as https://tinyurl.com/ to create a shorten URL
Standard Image 1 - ALL events that are in the category "Regional" require an image. Images should be at least 700px wide and no larger than 1200px wide
Your Name - enter your name
Your Email Address - enter your email address so we can contact you if we have any questions.
* All fields marked with an asterisk are required.