The Township of Rideau Lakes’ recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials – the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization committed to building efficient and effective recycling systems in Ontario.
This change is occuring because the Ontario government passed a new regulation in 2021 that shifts the financial and operational responsibility for recycling programs to the producers of recyclable materials.
Circular Materials has contracted Emterra to collect the Township’s recyclable materials. There are no changes to what materials are recyclable, what day your recyclables are picked up, or how you set out your recyclables at the curbside. Please have your waste and recycling out by 7:00 a.m. as Emterra may be earlier than the Township trucks.
If you have any issues or questions about recycling, please contact Emterra directly. They can be reached by phone at 1-888-597-1541, or by email at
The Portland Transfer Station will continue to accept waste, electronics, leaves/grass clippings, scrap steel, and tires. Please see our website for further details.
The Township will be making some changes to the curbside waste collection schedule beginning the week of Monday, March 31, 2025.
For residents whose collection takes place on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, there will be no change. For those with Thursday collection, your collection will now take place on
Wednesdays. For those with Friday collection, your collection will now take place on Thursdays.
Please note, these changes only affect the waste collectiobn schedule, not recycling. Emterra’s recycling collection schedule will remain unchanged.