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Land Division / Severance

There are two methods to divide land in the Province of Ontario, either through the Consent (severance) process or by Plan of Subdivision. Applications for both are handled by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Land Division Committee. The Township reviews each application and provides comments to the Committee but does not accept or approve the applications. All applications for the creation of new lots and other severances (i.e. lot additions) must conform to the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning By-Law. It is highly encouraged for those considering a Land Division application to consult with one of the Township’s Planners prior to applying since issues may be identified which may be difficult to overcome once an application has been submitted.

The United Counties’ Consent Granting Authority webpage includes staff contacts, forms and documents, and more to assist you with the process.

    Contact Us

    Amy Schur
    Development Services Analyst
    1-800-928-2250 Ext. 285

    Foster Elliott
    Associate Planner
    1-800-928-2250 Ext. 234

    Tom Fehr
    Manager of Development Services
    1-800-928-2250 Ext. 236


    Rideau Lakes Township Logo

    1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

    613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

    Fax: 613-928-3097


    Hours of Operation

    Monday to Friday
    8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    After-Hours Road Emergency


    Portland Transfer Station

    4427H Old Kingston Road, Portland
    1-800-928-2250 ext. 230
    Open: Wednesdays & Saturdays
    8:00am to 4:00pm