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Committees of Council

The Accessibility Advisory Committee assesses and makes recommendations to Council to assist in promoting and facilitating a barrier-free Township for citizens of all abilities.

Terms of Reference Accessibility Advisory Committee

By-Law 2019-14 – Establish Accessibility Advisory Committee & Terms of Reference

Council Member:  Paula Banks
Public Members:  Kimberley Brown , Tammy Day, Mike Heaton, Lorie Truemner, Melissa Willis
Staff:  Mary Ellen Truelove, Clerk

These seven committees provide local leadership through outreach, planning, coordination and oversight as it relates to community services provided by the Township including Community Halls, Recreation, Events, and Beautification.  The CECs provide input to Council on issues of major concern and importance to their respective communities.

Each Community Enhancement Committee has the option to establish sub-committees to address various aspects, services or events within their community.  The CECs are the umbrella organizations for our hundreds of Township of Rideau Lakes volunteers.

Terms of Reference Community Enhancement Committees

By-Law 2019-23 – Establish Community Enhancement Committees (CECs) & Terms of Reference

Delta & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Includes Chantry, Delta, Philipsville, Plum Hollow

Council Member:  Paula Banks
Community Members:  Olivia DeFreitas, Tao Hipwell, Jeff Patry, Liz Priebe, Joanne van Dreumel, Doug Wilson
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator 

Elgin & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Includes Chaffeys Lock, Crosby, Elgin

Council Member:  Linda Carr
Community Members:   Reinhart Bigl, Patricia Bolechowsky, Darlene Braybrook, Graham Lowe, Clinton Halladay, Donna Robinson, Jim Summers, Linda Ubdegrove, Mary Roantree, Ashley Truesdell 
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator

Morton & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Includes California, Jones Falls, Morton

Council Member:  Joan Delaney
Community Members:  Susan Alford, Ken Davies,Vera Dulysh, Linda Gamble, Linda Godin, Mike Heaton, Elaine Horemans, Karel Horemans, Pat Dodge
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator 

Newboro & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Council Member:  Deborah Anne Hutchings
Community Members:  Adam Ball, Debbie Foster, Peter Frey, Richard Gore, Dudley Hill, Betty Shillington, Monique Vandewint, John Welsh, Mary White, Joan Wright
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator 

North Crosby & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Council Member:  Ron Pollard
Community Members:  Vivian Croll, Diana Kemp, Barb Lavoie, Dana Menger, Lori Ramsy Pineau, Lisa Simmons-Mueller, Jan Turner
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator

Portland & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Includes Forfar, Harlem, Portland

Council Member:  Sue Dunfield
Community Members: Elizabeth Church, Mary Daniel, Mary Enid Haines, Elisabeth Hick, Jeanne Hill, Joan Horsfall, Lorah Jensen, Maggie McGlade, Sandra Preston, Paul Vanluven 
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator 

South Elmsley & Area Community Enhancement Committee

Includes Lombardy, Rideau Ferry

Council Member:  Marcia Maxwell
Community Members:   June Finless, Jane Graham, Charles Harrison, Karen McPhail, Melodee Morin, Connie Scott
Staff:  Leila Stafford, Recreation & Volunteer Coordinator 

The mandate of the Economic Development Committee includes the following:

  • to generate better understanding of the economic development needs and opportunities in the Township of Rideau Lakes
  • to provide advice and recommendations to Council on matters of economic development
  • to work in a distinct and/or complimentary role with other economic development and business sector organizations
  • to implement a program of work within the approved resource allocation

The Committee is comprised of the Mayor and 4 Councillors, and up to 2 optional at-large members.

By-Law 2017-57 – Establish Economic Development Committee

This Committee meets the first Monday of each month at 10:00am at the Municipal Office in Chantry.

Chair:  Marcia Maxwell
Council Members: Mayor Hoogenboom, Linda Carr, Deborah Anne Hutchings, Marcia Maxwell
Public Members:  Ken Davies, Dudley Hill
Staff: Marie White, Economic Development & Cultural Heritage Coordinator.

This committee operates and manages the Elgin Seniors Housing, a 12-unit complex of seniors’ affordable housing in Elgin.  It consists of 3 members of council, 2 voting members of the public and 1 non-voting resident of Elgin Seniors Housing.

By-Law 2011-87 – Establish Elgin Seniors Housing Board

Council Members: 
Mayor Hoogenboom, Linda Carr
Public Members:  Ron Holman, Jim Stedman
Elgin Seniors Housing Resident:  Shirley Dowell
Staff:  Erin Johnson, Secretary

This committee manages the operations of the Lower Beverley Lake Park in Delta.  The committee consists of 4 members of Council and 3 at-large members from the area of the Village of Delta.

By-Law 2010-5 – Establish Lower Beverley Lake Park Management Board

Chair:  Penny Sawyer
 Arie Hoogenboom
Council Member:  Sue Dunfield
At-Large Members: Betty Ann Nolan, Brent Rathwell, Penny Sawyer
Staff:  William Morris, Park Manager; Dave Schur, Deputy Treasurer.

This Committee advises Council on current heritage conservation legislation; assists in the preparation of Municipal Legislation to conserve heritage properties and areas; and implements programs and activities to increase public awareness and knowledge of heritage and conservation issues. See What a Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Does on the Ontario Government website

By-Law 2005-71 – Establish Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC)

Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Chantry Municipal Office.

Council Member:  Paula Banks
Committee Members:  Sabina Barrett, Dustin Bulloch, Howard French, George German, David Gwynne, Diane Haskins, Kim Lulashnyk, Allison Smith, Ted Stewart, Sue Warren
Staff:  Marie White, Economic Development & Cultural Heritage Coordinator

Planning Advisory and Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment considers and makes decisions on Minor Variance and related Applications. The Planning Advisory Committee considers and makes recommendations to Council on Planning Applications such as: consents, subdivisions/condominiums, Official Plan and/or Zoning By-Law amendments, etc. The Committee also receives and hears delegations, and reviews and makes recommendations to Council on By-Laws to set regulations, policies and fees for said Applications.

By-Law 2023-09 – Establish Planning Advisory and Committee of Adjustment

The Planning Advisory and Committee of Adjustment meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month at 1:00 p.m. at Chantry Municipal Office.

Chair:  Joan Delaney
Council Members:  Mayor Arie Hoogenboom, Jeff Banks, Paula Banks, Sue Dunfield, Deborah Anne Hutchings, Ron Pollard
Public Members: George Bracken
Staff:  Foster Elliott, Acting Manager of Development Services

This Committee provides a venue for lake associations to network with each other and identify and share best practices, common concerns and emerging trends.  It also provides advice and recommendations to the municipality on a broad range of municipal matters that impact lake health, lake residents and other lake users.

By-Law 2019-25 – Establish Lake Association Programs

Chair:  Mayor Hoogenboom
Council Members: 
 Ward 1 Bastard & South Burgess:  vacant, Ward 2 South Elmsley: Jeff Banks, Ward 3 South Crosby:  Joan Delaney, North Crosby-Newboro:  Ron Pollard
Lake Association Representatives:

Lake AssociationPrimaryAlternate
Bass Lake Property Owners Association Bill St. Jean Peter McGann
Big Rideau Lake Association Hansen Downer Elisabeth Preston
Birch Island Resident Property Owners Assoc. Rory Gooderham  Rob Jackett
Chaffeys and Area Lakes Association Tom Belton  Eva Leon
Crosby Lake Association Martha Lush  
Lower Beverley Lake Association Tom Heinze Lynne Jeffries 
Newboro/Loon Lake Cottage Association Chris Biber Patricia Taylor
Opinicon East Cottagers’ Association Rhonda Birenbaum Steve Hebert
Opinicon Property Owners Community Steve Hebert Rhonda Birenbaum
Otter Lake Landowners Association Jeff Neal Doug Franks
Sand Lake Estates Ken Watson Peter O’Neill
Thomas Road West Association Brian McDonald  
Troy Lake Ratepayers Association Steve Lauridsen Don Orr
Upper Rideau Lakes Association John McDowell Dave Counter
Wolfe Lake Association Margie Manthey Kelly Petrunka

This Board oversees the operation of the Rideau Lakes Public Library by determining which services are offered by the library and by seeking funding for the library from the Municipality and other granting bodies.

Public Libraries Act

By-Law 2000-117 – Consolidated Establish Rideau Lakes Public Library Board

Council Member:
 Marcia Maxwell
Committee Members:  Dustin Bullock, Pamela Cairncross, Peggy Fletcher, Douglas Franks, Mary Roantree, Howard Sedding, Maxine Webber, Becky White-Thompson, Lorie Truemner, Marnie Young
Staff:  Vicki Stevenson, CEO

Contact Us

Mary Ellen Truelove
1-800-928-2250 Ext. 293

Christy Melvin (Maternity Coverage for Leila)
Recreation and Volunteer Coordinator
1-800-928-2250 Ext. 238


Rideau Lakes Township Logo

1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

Fax: 613-928-3097


Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

After-Hours Road Emergency


Portland Transfer Station

4427H Old Kingston Road, Portland
1-800-928-2250 ext. 230
Open: Wednesdays & Saturdays
8:00am to 4:00pm