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Township Programs

 The 2025 Movie programming will be announced soon. Please contact Christy for more information at


Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
Newboro Community Hall
15 Drummond St.
8:30am - 9:30am

Fee: Class cards are $56.50 for 10 classes. Cards are renewable when necessary.

Bring your own: mat, water, towel and light weights. Your weights should not exceed 5 lbs each. 

For more information contact: Rasa Krokys

To register please fill out a Registration Form online or at the Municipal Offices in Chantry and mail it along with the appropriate registration fees to the Township Offices or you may register in person with Rasa at the class of your choice. 

This is a fun way to exercise and expand your dance talents!

Newboro Community Hall
15 Drummond St.
6:30 pm
South Elmsely Community Hall
441 Hwy. 15 Smiths Falls
2:00 pm

Fee: $2.00/class

For more information or to register contact Dorothy at 613-272-8053.

Are you a Baby Boomer with Zip? Then these classes are for you!  Wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. Get ready for great music to move to, easy to follow medium-impact instructions, and a lot of laughs with a fun instructor.

North Crosby Community Centre
875 8th Concession
9:30 am - 10:30 am

Contact Andrea or by phone at 437-996-7810 for more information.

Rideau Lakes Pickleball at Lombardy Public School

Running until June 24th , on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm.

Fees: FREE

Pre-registration required. Download a 2024 Pickleball Registration Form.

Please email registration forms to Christy at .

Rideau Lakes Pickleball Club

Pickleball is a truly invigorating game and is a combination of Tennis, Badminton and Ping Pong (a “fun” exercise in a very social environment).  Wear comfortable clothing, running shoes, sunscreen and bring your water bottle!  We provide all the necessary equipment, including Pickleball Paddles!

Every day at Memorial Park from 8:00am to 12:00pm

Members: $40.00 (seasonal fee)
Drop-ins: $5.00/drop-in (various ages and skill levels are welcome)

All participants are obligated to complete a Rideau Lakes Township Registration Form prior to playing.  These are available at the courts or can be found online at the top of the page.

For more information about Pickleball and the Rideau Lakes Pickleball Club, please contact Paul Arnold Rideau Lakes Pickleball Club 

This FREE youth group is held once a week, September to June, from 3:45 to 5pm at the Elgin Hall. Games, crafts, sports, drama and outdoor activities lead by our Youth Program Coordinator and assisted by volunteer high school students looking to acquire their 40 hours of volunteer service hours for school.

More information email Youth or call 1-800-928-2250.

This monthly FREE afterschool kids club is operated in partnership with Rideau Lakes Public Library. Participants get to hang out and relax one Friday per month to watch the latest movie release for kids. Popcorn and drink provided! Please pre-register your child today by contacting Laura Lee .
This FREE program is held in partnership with The Rideau Lakes Public Library at Rideau District Highschool. This program operates one Monday per month from 2:15pm - 3:30pm. Teens can expect to engage in cooking/baking, arts and crafts, board games, sports, and meet great guess speakers. To register please contact Laura Lee

If you need financial help with kids’ recreation programs, clubs, or courses please contact Leila at and/or review the below funding opportunities.

Jumpstart for Kids

Jumpstart helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation in an effort to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities. Contact Canadian Tire Jumpstart to submit an application online.

Making Play Possible

Making Play Possible is a registered charitable organization that gives children and youth in Leeds-Grenville the chance to participate in recreational activities. If you or someone you know needs support for enrollment, contact 613-498-4844 or visit their website.

Champion for Kids

Champions for Kids Foundation (C4K) is an initiative of the Upper Canada School Board. This program is designed to discreetly assist UCDSB children and their families. Applicants are encouraged to speak with their school principal who will facilitate the application progress. Call 1-800-267-7131 or visit their website for more information.


KidSport is a national non-profit organization that provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment for children aged 18 and under. Phone 204-925-5914 or visit their website to learn more.

Did you know that the Township has partnered with the Rideau Lakes Public Library to develop a Recreation Lending Library? You can borrow snowshoes, walking sticks, pickleball nets, pickleball paddles, badminton raquets, lawn games, and various balls. Please contact your Library branch to find out more information and to reserve your equipment today Rideau Lakes Public Library – The 5 branches of the Rideau Lakes Public Library together are your community resource for information and much more in the township of Rideau Lakes.

 2025 Seniors Bus Trips will be announced soon. Please contact Christy for more information at


Rideau Lakes Township Logo

1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

Fax: 613-928-3097


Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

After-Hours Road Emergency


Portland Transfer Station

4427H Old Kingston Road, Portland
1-800-928-2250 ext. 230
Open: Wednesdays & Saturdays
8:00am to 4:00pm