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Getting Here

Rideau Lakes is located in the heart of eastern Ontario, half an hour north of the City of Kingston, on Lake Ontario, and an hour south of Ottawa, the Nation’s Capital. We’re not far from Toronto and Montreal, and just a hop and jump from New York State. Several international bridges and 400 series highways make us very accessible.

The historic Rideau Canal and Waterway – a UNESCO World Heritage Site - runs directly through the area, connecting the many lakes, towns and villages in our community. Bring your cruiser, fishing boat, canoe or kayak and explore our lakes and waterways. By road, you can easily crisscross our township via County and Township roads.

How to Find Us

FromkmmilesEstimated Driving Time
Toronto, Ontario 322 200 3 hrs 15 mins.
Trenton, Ontario 160 99 1 hr. 44 mins
Kingston, Ontario 74 46 45 mins.
Ottawa, Ontario 133 82 1 hr.
Montreal, Ontario 225 139  2 hrs. 10 mins.


New York, New York, U.S.A. 596 370 6 hrs.
Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 680 422 7 hrs.
RL LocationMap

Map of the Township of Rideau Lakes
RideauLakes RoadMap2022 Thumbnail

Rideau Lakes Township Logo

1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

Fax: 613-928-3097


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