The Corporate Services Department incorporates the Administration of the Municipality through the CAO’s office, the Clerk’s office and Community & Leisure Services.
CAO’s Office
The CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) is responsible for the leadership and general management of the Corporation. This includes the allocation of resources, maintaining service levels, recommending policy and providing long-range strategic planning guidance. The CAO coordinates and provides direction to the Management Team in developing, implementing, and administering the objectives and policies as approved by Council in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Clerk’s Office
The primary role of the Clerk's Department is driven by provincial legislation, most notably the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Department provides administrative support to Council and its Committees and ensures that all of the actions taken by Council are recorded and communicated.
The Clerk’s Department is responsible for a variety of administrative, and statutory functions including:
- Accessibility
- By-Laws
- Cemeteries
- Commissioner of Oaths
- Congratulatory Scrolls
- Council/Committee Agendas and Minutes
- Death Registrations
- Freedom of Information
- Heritage
- Licensing:
- Animal Control (Dog Tags, Kennel)
- Auctioneer
- Festival/Event
- Lottery
- Refreshment Vehicles
- Salvage Shop
- Marriage
- Municipal Elections
- Records Management
Community & Leisure Services
The Township of Rideau Lakes encourages members of our community and visitors to take advantage of all that we have to offer including a variety of programs, facilities, waterways, trails and more. We strive towards helping you lead a healthy, active lifestyle; all while being engaged as a member of the community. Explore what Rideau Lakes has to offer for your family, visitors and our community.
Our Recreation and Volunteer Coordinator is here to help the community lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The Coordinators responsibilities include:
- Beautification
- Day Camp Programs
- Township Sponsored Programs
- Community Sponsored Programs
- Seniors
- Volunteers
Economic Development
Economic Development is a priority for the Township of Rideau Lakes. Job growth and local opportunities are a key focus. Our vision is an expanded business base including tourism and farming, while retaining rural character, culture and lifestyle. Our goal is a mix of locally appropriate commercial opportunities that leverage and grow our local resources and assets, with an economic landscape that supports living and working locally, youth retention, and skills and capital attraction and application.
The Economic Development Committee works to assess and generate better understanding of the economic development needs and opportunities, in order to foster a prosperous, growing and progressive community that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.