Dog Tags
All dogs within the Township of Rideau Lakes are required to be licensed and registered within 2 weeks of arriving in the Township or by the age of 6 months.
Refer to By-Law 2012-3 – Keeping of Animals for all regulations.
Application Type | Fee |
Dog Tag | $15.00 |
Guide Dog / Service Dog | FREE |
Kennel Licence | $160.00 |
Purchase a Tag
In Person
Complete the Dog Licence Form and submit it at the Township Office during regular office hours. Dog Tags can be purchased using cash, cheque or debit.
By Mail
Complete the Dog Licence Form Dog Licence Form and send the form along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and a cheque made payable to the Township of Rideau Lakes.
Dogs are not permitted to run at-large, to be a public nuisance, or to bite or otherwise act in a vicious manner.
For regulations applying to dogs and their owners, please see the Township By-Law 2012-3 – Keeping of Animals and the Ontario Dog Owners’ Liability Act.
To report a lost or found dog, or to report a dog issue, please contact:
Frontenac Municipal By-Law Enforcement
24 Hours, 7 Days/Week
Dog owners are required to pick up after their pet. Owners of a dog who allow waste to be placed on public property or private property not owned by the dog owner are liable to a fine.
To retrieve an impounded dog, please contact:
North Grenville Pound
8am to 4pm, 7 Days/Week - Appointment required for pick-up
Please be advised the following fees will be required to be paid when you arrive at the Pound to pick up your dog:
- Reclaim Fee: $200/dog (payable to the Township of Rideau Lakes)
- Dog Tag Fee: $15 (payable to the Township of Rideau Lakes)
- Boarding Fee: $30 per day & One time $100 Pound Fee (payable to North Grenville Pound)
Fines chargeable under Animal Control By-Law 2012-3 may also apply.
Livestock Lost to Predators
If you have lost livestock and poultry to certain animal predators, you are entitled to seek compensation under the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
Livestock and poultry producers can make claims to their local municipality to try and recoup losses.
The Municipal Clerk’s Department processes claims for killed or injured livestock caused by wildlife as outlined in the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. Provincial regulations establish maximum amounts of compensation.
Steps to Take If You Suspect Your Livestock or Poultry are Injured or Killed by Wildlife:
- To submit a claim contact a Livestock Valuer within 48 hours of discovering the injury or death of your livestock.
- Nicole Halladay 613-340-7029
- Seek veterinary care: If an animal sustained an injury, immediately seek veterinary care or other humane treatment options to prevent further suffering. Veterinary care costs are eligible under this program up to the FMV (Fair Market Value) of the livestock. All receipts and invoices should be saved and submitted with the application.
- Preserve the injury/kill site: Do not move, destroy or dispose of the carcass(es) or injury/kill-site evidence until the municipal or territorial investigator has investigated and agrees it/they can be destroyed or disposed of. An exception will be made if this contravenes Ontario Regulation 106/09 of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.
- Suggested methods of preserving the site include avoid walking in or around the area, placing a tarp over the carcass(es), adding lime around the site, and taking photos of the injuries/carcass(es) and scene.
As part of the application process, the following information will be required to complete a claim:
- A valid FBRN (Farm Business Registration Number), approved documentation confirming an FBRN exemption, or a confirmation letter provided by the Indian Agricultural Program of Ontario (IAPO).
- A valid premises identification (PID) number for the site where the kill or damage occurred or a confirmation letter provided by the Indian Agriculture Program of Ontario (IAPO).
- Owner signature on the application certifying the information provided is true and accurate to the best of his or her knowledge.
- Indicate on the application whether you wish to provide additional evidence and/or documentation.
Wild animals, birds, and fish fall under the care of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
The regional office is located in Kemptville: 1-800-667-1940 (2698 Concession Rd #2690, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0)
Dead animal or fish found on your property
To report Fish Die-Off or Bird/Bat deaths see the Ministry of Environment and Energy page.
Be Bear Wise
The Bear Wise Program teaches people about black bears as well as things they must do to keep bears away from urban and semi urban areas. For more information, visit the Bear Wise Program.