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Community Improvement Plans for Villages

As part of the Township’s strategy to improve Village Vitality, Rideau Lakes is pleased to announce that the new Community Improvement Plan for Villages has been adopted.

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool under the Planning Act that allows municipalities to establish grant programs to fund private property improvements and initiatives. CIPs can be powerful community development tools by way of leveraging private investment through public grants.

General Program Guidelines

  • A person or corporation is eligible for one grant per CIP program, per calendar year, per registered property. This means that multiple CIP grants can be applied for and obtained for the same project, in the same calendar year provided the grants are from separate grant programs.
  • The program operates on a pay first basis with the submission of grant application following fees paid.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with regard to all property municipal fees & taxes.
  • Only eligible properties located within the CIP project areas are eligible for the programs offered under the CIP.


The CIP will implement and facilitate grant programs aimed at supporting development, as well as the rehabilitation of existing residential properties and commercial businesses. The grant programs are detailed below and applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-consultation with Development Services staff.

Commercial Façade and Sign Improvements

Goal: To encourage the rejuvenation and development of commercial facades which are reflective of, and sympathetic to, the village vernacular.

Amount: Grant equal to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $1,000 for projects with a value under $5,000 and up to a maximum of $2,000 for projects with a value over $5,000.

Built Heritage Improvement

Goal: To support the adaptive reuse, restoration and recognition of its Villages built heritage that promote the development of commercial, institutional and/or mixed-uses.

Amount: Grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5,000 for projects with a value under $50,000 and up to a maximum of $10,000 for projects with a value over $50,000.


Goal: To promote increased physical accessibility to commercial/institutional uses or home-based businesses.

Amount: Grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $2,000.

Development Application Fee Offsetting

Goal: To support investment in the CIP area by providing a financial incentive in the form of a grant equivalent to a portion of fees paid on planning and development applications and building permits.

Amount: Grant equivalent to up to 80% of the planning and development application and permit fees paid by an owner.

Low-Impact Development

Goal: To support the implementation of low impact development practices for the purpose of infiltration, filtration, and reduction of stormwater runoff.

Amount: Grant equal to $1,000 for projects with a value under $5,000 and up to a maximum of $2,000 for projects with a value over $5,000.

Residential Conversion Grant

Goal: To promote residential conversions by providing grants to residents/business owners who choose to convert a portion or all of their home to support the mixed-use village core and local services aspect of the Plan.

Amount: Grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5,000.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs for the Commercial Façade and Sign Improvements, Built Heritage Improvement, Accessibility and Residential Conversion Grant are as follows:

  • Material costs to assist in the development and implementation of the above-mentioned practices.
  • Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services
  • Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Eligible costs for the Development Application Fee Offsetting are as follows:

  • Planning and/or building application fees for projects within the CIP that promote the overall vision of our Villages and support the overall goals within the Township’s Official Plan.
  • Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Eligible costs for the Low-Impact Development Grant are as follows:

  • Rain Barrels/Rainwater Harvesting
  • French Drains/Soakaway pits
  • Rain Gardens
  • Others as supported by the relevant Conservation Authority


The purpose of the Township of Rideau Lakes CIP is to facilitate and support key planning and growth management objectives, including the development of affordable housing by providing incentive-based programs that encourage the creation and inventory of affordable housing units. The specific goals of the CIP are as follows:

  • Increase the number of affordable housing units within our Villages;
  • Create a mix of unit types, include units suitable for seniors;
  • Grow the municipal assessment base
  • Enhance and intensity the existing Village fabric with compatible projects; and,
  • Take advantage of existing municipal services and infrastructure.

Rental Housing Rebate Program

This incentive provides a grant of up to 100% of the fees paid on specified planning and development applications for an affordable rental or purpose-built rental housing project.

Eligible Costs

  • Planning Act application fees
  • Eligible building permit fees

Additional Residential Unit Rebate Program

This incentive provides a grant of up to 50% of the fees paid on specified planning and development applications for additional residential units.

Eligible Costs

  • Planning Act application fees
  • Eligible building permit fees

Additional Residential Unit Renovation and Construction Grant

This incentive provides a grant of up to 50% of eligible costs to property owners who retrofit their dwelling to include an additional residential unit or to a homeowner who has an existing unregistered additional residential unit that is legalized and brought up to Code. All applications will be required to meet zoning requirements. The Township will provide a grant equal to 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum of $5,000.

Eligible Costs

  • Material costs to assist in the development and implementation of the above-mentioned practices.
  • Professional costs such as professional consultation and services, trade services, design services
  • Other related costs as deemed appropriate by Township Council

Affordable Housing and Home Ownership Rebate Program

This incentive provides a grant of up to 50% of the fees paid on specified planning and development applications for new affordable housing or home ownership developments or renovations/upgrades to existing affordable housing or home ownership uses.

Eligible Costs

  • Planning Act application fees
  • Eligible building permit fees

Affordable Housing Tax Increment Equivalent Rebate

This incentive provides a grant equal to the incremental increase in municipal property tax assessment and revenue resulting from the development or redevelopment of multi-unit residential buildings or mixed-use buildings. The development must have at least three (3) new residential units to qualify. This program is meant to shield property owners from the municipal portion of tax increases that occur as a result of the development if Affordable Housing units are provided.

If the creation of new Affordable Housing units results in an increase in the property’s assessed value, a property owner may apply for a rebate equal to the portion of units which are affordable for a maximum of five (5) years. For example, if 20 units are developed with 5 being affordable, a property owner would be eligible for a rebate equal to 25% of the resulting increase. This rebate would apply to the reassessed value for a period of 5 years, provided that the units remain affordable. The grant will be provided every year, for up to 5 years, after the taxes have been paid in full.

Boundary Areas (click to enlarge)

Chaffeys Lock

Chaffeys Lock











Rideau Lakes Township Logo

1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

Fax: 613-928-3097


Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

After-Hours Road Emergency


Portland Transfer Station

4427H Old Kingston Road, Portland
1-800-928-2250 ext. 230
Open: Wednesdays & Saturdays
8:00am to 4:00pm