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Photo: Precious Moments Carriages Photo: Precious Moments Carriages

Family Day in Rideau Lakes

Celebrate Family in Rideau Lakes! Not sure what to do with the fam jam on the Family Day holiday on Monday, Feb. 19? Here is a list of nine events planned around Rideau Lakes. Whether skating, enjoying horse drawn wagon rides, sipping on hot chocolate, pouring maple syrup over some pancakes or slurping spaghetti together, one thing is for sure: it’ll be a good time!

Free skating sponsored by the Township of Rideau Lakes

Lace up and glide into the weekend! The Township of RIdeau Lakes has sponsored three free skating opportunities, at the WTC Communications Centre Arena in Westport on Saturday, Feb. 17 from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., as well as on Sunday, Feb. 18 at Centre 76 Arena in Athens from 1 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., and again on Monday, Feb. 19 at the Smiths Falls Youth Arena from 10:50 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. See you there!

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Family Day Farmers Breakfast

Get ready to dig in! Join the Portland and Area CEC on Saturday, Feb. 17 for a breakfast at the Portland United Church starting at 8 a.m. until sold out! Picture this: sausage, bacon, toast, eggs, pancakes, hash browns, coffee tea, juice – and Bob’s baked beans. All proceeds will support new equipment for the village playground. Cost is $12/adults, $5/youth 10 and under.

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Free Family Forest School Drop-In

Head up to Foley Mountain Conservation Area on Saturday, Feb. 17 for a free family forest school drop-in program from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Be sure to pre-register!

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Afternoon dance in Morton

The Morton and Area CEC is hosting a dance on Sunday Feb. 18 at the Morton Hall from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. with Tim Hallman and Terry Hoffman. The cost is $15/person and light refreshments are available.

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Lombardy Family Fun Day

Saddle up to the annual Lombardy Family Fun Day taking place on Monday, Feb. 19 at the Lombardy Fairgrounds from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by the Lombardy Agricultural Society, look for games, horse drawn wagon ride by Leeds County Draft Horse Club, hot dogs, cookies and hot chocolate and more! A free will donation or non-perishable food item would be appreciated.

Photo: Leeds County Draft Horse Club Facebook Page

Fun Day in Delta!

Head over Delta on Monday, Feb. 19 to take in family festivities all day! Join the Delta Recreation Committee at the rink from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., for skating, a bonfire, roasted marshmallows, chuck-a-puck, balloon animals and races. Be sure to check out the hockey game first from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.!

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Family Spaghetti Dinner in Delta

Come hungry! The Delta United Church will be the scene for a family spaghetti dinner on Monday, Feb. 19, hosted by the LA Branch 207 Delta. Dine in or take out, this meal will include spaghetti, garlic bread, dessert and a beverage. Kids can even make their own sundaes! Dinner is served from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and a free will offering will be accepted.

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Pancake breakfast in Elgin

Kick off your Family Day with a delicious pancake breakfast at the Elgin Community Hall! Reserve your spot to eat in with three different seating times or take out is available between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. All proceeds will support the local girls U18 Soccer Team trip to Sweden in July! Pricing: $10/adult for 3 pancakes, 3 sausages and choice of tea/coffee/juice or $5/child (10 years and under) for 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, choice of juice or hot chocolate.

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Barbie and Ken Family Fun Day

Look for the Rideau Lakes Fire Department doing a drone demonstration at this all day celebration of family day! Taking place on Monday, February 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. the WTC Communications Centre will be buzzing with family skating, family shinny, a Kingston Skating Academy Performance, costume judging for best barbie and best ken, live music, and the canteen. Outside, look for winter games, the OPP and the drone demo! 

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What are you going to do first with your family on the holiday? 

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1439 County Road 8, Delta, ON K0E 1G0

613-928-2251 or 1-800-928-2250

Fax: 613-928-3097
