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Get Ready For Eclipse 2024: Rideau Lakes in the Path of Totality

A total solar eclipse is one of nature’s phenomena and Rideau Lakes will be among the few places in Canada to see the sun completely eclipsed by the moon on April 8, 2024!

This incredibly rare event, where the moon passes in front of the sun and temporarily blocks its light, will only be visible for a thin portion of Ontario. It essentially turns day into twilight – and Rideau Lakes is in the path of totality. Another similar event will not occur in Ontario for another century.

As long as the skies are clear, this makes the township a desirable location for eclipse viewers. People in the area outside of the path of totality will only see a partial eclipse, meaning the Rideau Lakes region is a top-notch viewing destination.

The Rideau Lakes Public Library is ready to make the most of this unique event! The week before the eclipse, on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, Rideau Lakes Public Library is hosting an all-ages talk about the eclipse with Canadian amateur astronomer, Frank Hitchens! Mark your calendars and be ready to learn about the cosmic choreography of solar eclipses, as well as about Mars. Keep an eye on the library’s website and Facebook page for details. 

While the duration of the entire eclipse is around two hours, the moment of totality will be a fleeting few minutes. For Rideau Lakes, it looks as though we should be looking to the skies at 3:22 p.m. but there is only a 1 minute and 15 second window of time to view the moment of totality in Rideau Lakes, so don’t miss it!

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, viewing a solar eclipse without appropriate personal protective equipment can result in temporary or permanent eye damage. There are several ways to safely view an eclipse: wear approved solar eclipse glasses (dark sunglasses are not sufficient protection), or by using a pinhole solar projector.

To make the eclipse more accessible, Queen’s University has collected a list of tools that will enhance the experience. For the blind and low vision community, it points to a free app for translating this highly visual event into a fully touch and sound-based experience. 

The last time the path of a total solar eclipse crossed Canada was in 1979, but it was almost 700 years ago when this region experienced totality, according to an expert from Queen’s.

For more information about the eclipse, including an intriguing digital simulation, visit eclipse2024.org and look at rideaulakes.ca and rideaulakeslibrary.ca for more information about the upcoming astronomer event.

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